My goal for this website is to continue a journey of curiosity and understanding and to develop some relevant questions about robotics, AI and Automation technology. And through that questioning and understanding, to hopefully, become better humans with our many thousands or years head-start and billions or iterations of genetic coding.
I am personally fascinated by technology, robots and complex automation. My background is in IT, Operations and Architecture.
There are some interesting and mind-bending questions that can be raised.
What is it? Why do we like it or fear it?
How does it work? Why do we create? Do we need it or “them”?
Why should I or we care about these things?
Can we become better humans through understanding and critically answering these questions?
And of course, what does the future hold?
Humans are naturally curious and love to make and build things. Is it because of our large brains and highly developed pre-frontal cortex? The output from humans is truly extraordinary and increasingly appears impossible or magical in nature.
I would like to explore the potential and possibilities of highly advanced technologies and of human potential movements. How to improve our biology in real-time using mindset, intent and simple basic steps that everyone can adopt to improve themselves, if they wish to.
It is an extremely powerful avenue for self-empowerment. We will examine some of these ideas on this website. They are largely my observations, experiences, and opinions, but also based on the latest studies, white papers and news feeds.
All avenues or topics will be discussed on this website, as long it is kept civil and respectful. A place to practice being better humans. Humans who are creating the next evolutionary species.