(Photo : Pexels/cottonbro)

UBC Engineers Get Under the Skin / Ionic Skin


In the quest to build smart skin that mimics the sensing capabilities of natural skin, ionic skins have shown significant advantages. They’re made of flexible, biocompatible hydrogels that use ions to carry an electrical charge. In contrast to smart skins..

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I Restored My Human


Why I Restored My Human When I was in my early 20’s, which is about 40 years ago, I injured my spine in a parachute accident. I had the dream of “cloud punching”. But, as sometimes happens, it did not..

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Who and What is Vector?


The New Vector 2 Blog Vector is a small track-wheeled AI Robot based on the original Cozmo. Vector 2 is available now, via Digital Dream Labs (aka DDL). DDL have taken on the Vector project from the original company called..

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Robot Types

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Scientists say they have witnessed a type of replication not previously seen in organic robots created in a laboratory using frog cells. Researchers hope that someday these xenobots, described by the same team in an article published nearly two years..

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Robot Memory compared to Human Memory and Emotion


Automation is no longer just a problem for those working in manufacturing. Physical labor was replaced by robots; mental labor is going to be replaced by AI and software. Andrew Yang Robot Memory VS Human Memory Memory is one of..

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‘Fake’ data helps robots learn the ropes faster

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Developed by robotics researchers at the University of Michigan, it could cut learning time for new materials and environments down to a few hours rather than a week or two. In simulations, the expanded training data set improved the success..

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Do you know how educational robots can help your children to develop?


Educational robots enable students of all ages to become familiar with and deepen their knowledge of robotics and programming, while at the same time learning other cognitive skills. Find out how robots can help your children’s education and which are..

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Robots learn household tasks by watching humans


It failed at first, missing the handle completely at times, grabbing it in the wrong spot or pulling it incorrectly. But after a few hours of practice, the robot succeeded and opened the door. “Imitation is a great way to..

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It’s not manipulators, despite whatever you may have heard


The obvious question here is how exactly Grace and Carter are different from existing AMRs, because at first glance, a lot of this is stuff that other AMR companies already do—adaptable cloud-based software infrastructure, working in the same spaces as..

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What is Robotics


Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of computer science and engineering.[1] Robotics involves design, construction, operation, and use of robots. The goal of robotics is to design machines that can help and assist humans. Robotics integrates fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, information engineering, mechatronics, electronics, bioengineering, computer engineering, control engineering, software engineering, mathematics, etc.

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Can ageing really be ‘treated’ or ‘cured’? An evolutionary Bioligist explains


As modern medicine improves, so too does our ability to stave off disease. But can we overcome the most inescapable of afflictions – old age? Researchers around the world are trying to find out. As time passes, our fertility declines..

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An Easier Way to Teach Robots New Skills


Researchers have developed a technique that enables a robot to learn a new pick-and-place task with only a handful of human demonstrations. With e-commerce orders pouring in, a warehouse robot picks mugs off a shelf and places them into boxes..

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Microrobot Collectives Display Versatile Movement Patterns


Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS), Cornell University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University have developed collectives of microrobots which can move in any desired formation. The miniature particles are capable of reconfiguring their swarm behavior quickly..

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